Perfect Delivery Bowls South Africa Inter Districts M&M Toolkit

Marketing Toolkits and the Perfect Delivery Inter Districts

Guess who we spotted at the Inter Districts tournament in KwaZulu Natal?


Perfect Delivery Bowls South Africa Inter Districts M&M and Executive
Rob, Malcolm and Andy


It’s our favourite South African-Scotsman, Malcolm Webster from the Bowls SA M&M committee, with Rob Forbes and Andy Strong of the Bowls SA Executive committee at the Maritzburg Bowling Club.

Malcolm, Toolkit in hand, represented M&M at the tournament, with the aim of showing district and club committees what’s in the Marketing Toolkit and how to use the materials to grow membership at clubs.


Perfect Delivery Bowls South Africa Inter Districts M&M Toolkit
The M&M Marketing Toolkit


So if you notice a M&M representative at your next event, come over and say hi! We’re here to answer your questions.

Has your club ordered their Toolkit yet? You can find full details here: